Solutions for waste reduction: sykell's Impact Report 2023 shows the benefits of EINFACH MEHRWEG

sykell is pleased to present

the first Impact Report 2023, which highlights the positive environmental impact of EINFACH MEHRWEG and takes an important step towards a sustainable future. Our goal is to accelerate the transition to a fully circular economy, minimize waste and preserve nature. With our EINFACH MEHRWEG system, we are setting new standards in the reusable sector and creating transparency in the world of packaging.

In 2023, we achieved impressive successes with EINFACH MEHRWEG. In total, we were able to replace 1.2 million single-use packages, resulting in savings of 44.800 kg of waste, 32.600 kg of CO2e emissions and 658.000 liters of water. These results prove that reusable packaging is not only an environmentally friendly alternative, but also has a significant impact on reducing waste.

One highlight of our report is the externally verified life cycle assessment in accordance with the ISO 14040/14044 standard, which we were the first company in Germany to prepare and transparently publish for a reusable system in the takeaway sector. This life cycle assessment shows that after 50 reuses, EINFACH MEHRWEG reduces waste by 91 % and water consumption by 74 % compared to alternative disposable packaging. After just three uses, there are clear environmental benefits compared to disposable packaging.

In addition to the detailed presentation of the ecological impact and operating processes of EINFACH MEHRWEG, the sustainability report offers transparency for the areas of environment, social affairs and corporate governance at sykell - combined with concrete sustainability goals for EINFACH MEHRWEG. In this way, we want to promote a culture of transparency in the industry.

We are proud to present this report and look forward to the journey we will take together with our partners and users. The full Impact Report 2023 is available on our website and our sustainability team is ready to answer questions and take suggestions. Let's build a more sustainable future together!


Preview and header image: Helene Stache
Graphic Highlights 2023: Helene Stache
Graphic comparing single-use with EINFACH MEHRWEG: Helene Stache
Hand in water: MTStock Studio