Reusable made simple

The convenient solution for your sustainable groceries

Always next to you

Discover the closest location where you can return your used EINFACH MEHRWEG packaging.

Note about REWE locations: Available only at participating REWE stores. Returns possible at all REWE stores nationwide.


Your choice

Reusable packaging is the right choice for the planet. And we want it to be the right choice for you as well. A convenient solution, easy to get, easy to return.

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Reusable containers for every need

einfach mehrweg product portfolio
Automatisiert-Pfand icon
Automatic returns

Simply return your Einfach Mehrweg containers in the same deposit machines where you return your bottles and get your deposit back.

Manuell-Pfand icon
Convenient return network

You can return your Einfach Mehrweg at every store participating in the system. A huge network across all Germany. Find the closest location in the map.

Nachhaltigkeit icon

Reusable containers are a key part of the sustainable food approach. Every time you use an Einfach Mehrweg container you save the planet from single-use plastic waste.

Recycling icon
Made for reuse

Our containers are all high-quality and "Made in Germany". After every use they are recovered and washed to offer your the highest level of hygiene.

Manuell-Pfand icon

All our containers are spill-proof, easy to open and lightweight. The deposit is between 1€ for the cups and 1,5€ and 2,5€ for the containers.

Barrierefreiheit icon

No need to download any app or register an account. Use the Einfach Mehrweg container and return it when and where you want.


Sykell Complete Partners


Stop single-use packaging

Together we want to put an end to producing 390 Mt of plastic every year.1 Because we can't keep adding to landfills and risking endangering nature and wildlife with plastic that remains in the sea for between 100 to 1,000 years.2

The Einfach Mehrweg containers can be reused time and time again, preventing millions of tons of plastic packaging from being produced and introduced to the environment.

(1) Plastics Europe AISBL (2022, Oktober). Plastics – the Facts 2022. Plastics Europe.

(2) WWF Deutschland (2023, 24. Februar). Das kann kein Meer mehr schlucken: Unsere Ozeane versinken im Plastikmüll. WWF.

Less single-use plastic for our planet

On average, we generate 180 kg of disposable packaging waste per person per year in the European Union.3 In the gastronomy sector in Germany alone, 13.6 billion disposable packages were used in 2022, which is 10.6 billion disposable packages for food and 2.2 billion for beverages.4 A single Einfach Mehrweg reusable package can replace hundreds of such single-use packages, reducing each person's environmental footprint in the long term.

To keep track of our impact, each Einfach Mehrweg container is serialized, enabling us to monitor its washing settings, return rate, and cycle duration in one simple dashboard.

(3) Eurostat (2023, 23. März). Packaging waste statistics. Eurostat Statistics Explained.

(4) Griestop, L., Kraas, C., Bauske, B. (2023, Juni). Faktenblatt Mehrweg-Verpackungen. WWF Deutschland.

Einfach Mehrweg vs. single-use:


CO2 emissions*

* when using the Einfach Mehrweg container S41t (volume: 500 ml) with 50 reuses compared to a single-use packaging (with the same volume, 500 ml) made out of PP with lid. Based on a Life Cycle Assessment conducted by an external provider in 2022.


"We believe that negative impacts on the environment and climate can already be massively reduced today, with solutions that can be implemented in the short and medium term instead the distant future. Our goal is simple: let's extend the benefits of a sustainable deposit system for beverages to other product and food categories. That's why we founded Sykell and developed a practical and scalable alternative to single-use plastic."

— Davide Mazzanti, CEO & Co-Founder

Frequently asked questions

The most important answers

Do I need to use an app?

No, you don't need to install any app or create an account. Einfach Mehrweg works like the existing deposit system for bottles.

Is additional investment necessary for deposit machines?

No, the reusable system works with conventional deposit machines. If you decide to become a system partner, already installed deposit machines simply have to be activated to accept the new containers.

How does the deposit amount work?

The deposit amount is paid at the time of purchase and refunded as soon as the reusable container is returned at a deposit machine or manually at a system partner. There are no additional (or late) fees for the return.

Where can I return the Einfach Mehrweg containers?

You can return your used container at any partner location, including thousands of deposit machines. Check the map to find the closest location.

Do I have to clean the reusable containers myself?

You need to empty the containers before returning them. We also recommend to rins it if you don't plan to return it immediately after use.

What is the cost of using and participating in the pool system?

The core model is based on pay-per-use, i.e. system partners only pay for reusable containers actually used and put into circulation. Washing and logistics are already included, simple and transparent. Feel free to contact us at any time for more information and a quote for your specific needs and requirements.

Have more questions? Ask your question here

Need a reusable solution for your business?

Einfach Mehrweg is the most convenient reusable solution for your customers. Discover how you can offer a complete reusable solution in your businesses.

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